Jean Monnet Chair “Freedom of Research as EU Fifth Freedom”
Programme: Jean Monnet – Erasmus+ (2014-2020)
Typology: Jean Monnet Chair
Duration: 1/9/2020 – 31/8/2023
Coordinator/Beneficiary: Università degli Studi di Perugia
Chairholder: Roberto Cippitani
Free movement of persons is one of the major achievements of the European Union (“EU”).
During the last years, EU has highlighted a particular aspect of such a freedom: the freedom of circulation of researchers and in general persons dealing with research and technology knowledge, which is also defined as the “5th Freedom” (see for example: Commission, Better careers and more mobility: a European partnership for researchers, COM(2008)).
As matter of fact, EU law aims at establishing a European Knowledge Area, in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology, as well as students and teachers can freely circulate (see Article 179 TFEU).
The trans-European movement of researchers and in general persons dealing with research and innovation is phenomenon with very important social, economic and cultural implications. In particular, their trans-European mobility is several times (at least 3) the mobility of the general population (source: OECD, Economic Review – EU, 2012).
However, students, academic staff and institutions are not enough aware of the rights and obligations concerning that Freedom.
Due to the importance of that matter, the University of Perugia wants to dedicate a prestigious Jean Monnet Chair focused on the teaching, research and other activities concerning the 5th Freedom.
The Chairholder
The Chair will be in charge of a jurist working in the Department of Medicine, Roberto Cippitani, with at last 20 years of experience on European Integration Law, especially in the field of ethical and legal issues of scientific research.
- Making aware students, researchers, professionals of their rights, obligations and responsibilities
- Strengthening the mobility of the students and researchers within EU and abroad
- Reinforcing the capacity of the University to put in place the 5th Freedom for its researchers and to be attractive for external researchers
- Establishing an academic reference in studying legal issues of research within the European Research Area
- Giving European and international visibility to the studies in the field of rights and responsibility arising from the research activities
- Building and strengthening the networking with other academic bodies and with local, national and international organisations and bodies.
- Teaching activities for students of the Department of Medicine, of the Department of Chemistry and Biology and other scientific Departments, but also those from the Department of Law, Economics and Political Sciences
- Additional Training activities for your researchers, administrative staff and professionals
- Research activities on legal and ethical issues of science and technologies
Main outputs
- No. 5 University official courses (among them 3 will be new), for 156 hrs/y and 23 credits/y
- No. 2 new additional activities such as a “Living lab” in collaboration with the Region Umbria
- No. 9 Seminars, International congress and other events
- Publications (monograph, collective book, handbook, peer-reviewed papers)