Programme: Jean Monnet– LifeLong Learning Programme (2007-2013)
Typology: Jean Monnet Module
Duration: 1/9/2013 – 31/8/2016
Coordinator/Beneficiary: Università degli Studi di Perugia (Department of Law)
Academic Coordinator: Valentina Colcelli
Key Staff: Antonio Bartolini (University of Perugia) Mauro Bove (University of Perugia) Roberto Cippitani (University of Perugia) Raffaella Diosono (Regione dell’Umbria) Christ Hedley (University of Brighton) Fabrizio Pompei (University of Perugia) Arnold Rainer (University of Regensburg) Andrea Sassi (University of Perugia) Francesco Scaglione (University of Perugia) David Zammit (University of Malta)
Website: http://www2.ec.unipg.it/euplaw/index.html
Usually the process of regional integration is realised principally through international treaties, as stipulated by nation states. European integration offers a good example of those instruments that accompany the supranational construction built by constitutive Treaties and the juridical sources adopted by EU Institutions.
Private law instruments, of course, were born from the need to regulate private and interpersonal relationships. They are now also new instruments for the realisation of European policies of regional integration.
In Europe, due to the widespread distribution of the EU legal system and legal systems of the Member States, the project of regional integration is also being realised with “ausilum” (aid) of the typical instruments of private law. The EU has been characterized recently by the use of new ways for governing integration, as complementary or alternative answers to legislative harmonisation realised with institutional instruments.
Familiar legal instruments used in private law, such as tort or contract law, are now seen to be only a small part of the range of possible tools that can be harnessed in order to allocate efficiency or distributive justice, summarily described as the correction of market failures (e.g. legal rules applying to contracts for services, EC environmental law, environmental liability, product safety, product liability, etc.).
Private law has been – or is beginning to be seen as – a way to develop the integration process. In the European legal system this use of the typical instruments of private law is clear, because horizontal relationships in the EU legal system, also in view of the functions assigned to legal protection, are selected and adjusted to ensure the existence and survival of the EU legal system.
Providing a coordinated series of Summer Schools on the peculiar function of private law in EU Legal system, functional to good governance of EU policies not normally considered in traditional EU integration courses.
Updating the teaching contents on the topic.
Making aware students who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies of the importance Private Law in the EU integration.
One of project major objective is to increase the awareness and sensibility of all possible persons and actors involved (academics, bureaucrats, policy makers) or not (citizens) in EU integration process. This is guaranteed also from the presence in the teaching staff of the Local Institutional Organization Bureaucrat (Regione dell’Umbria).
Unipg has established a interdisciplinary (law, science, engineering, education, languages, economics) and International Phd Course called “Knowledge-based Society and legal disciple of the common market: interdisciplinary aspects of the European and international Integration” joint title whit Tecnologico de Monterry (TEC) Mexico. Phd Course is reference for the interdisciplinary research on EU integration.
Starting from the activities of Doctorate the project aims:
a coordinated set of open teaching activities consisting in:
One Summer School per year, 40/42 hours per year (3 Summer Schools and 125 hours over the three years of the project) delivered by the proposed Module leader, teaching team and special guests (approximately 180 students per year) and focused on a general approach to the Project topics.
An set of deliverables directly related to the teaching activity.
n. 1 website and n. 2 page on social networks
n. 1 Evaluation Report
A) Promoting EU integration in relation to the new function of Private Law, 3 Summer Schools and other events will be introduced in the UNIPG that approach the EU integration delivered not as traditional courses of EU Law, but as an integrated set of seminars also for postgraduate students, following the traditional EU integration courses already provided by host institution. B) Making aware students who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies of the importance Private Law in the EU integration.
a) Increased opportunities for students at European and International level; b) better understanding of the threats to EU integration deriving from Private Law i; c) development of regional integration studies in Third Countries.