Roberto Cippitani
Professor of Private Law, Lecturer of Biolaw and Law of Biotechnological Innovation; Jean Monnet Chairholder, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Università degli Studi di Perugia; former Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Rights and Science”; Associated Researcher at CNR-IFAC. Responsible or staff member of several projects funded under EU programmes (Jean Monnet, Erasmus, Tempus, ESF, Framework Programmes). Visiting Professor and Researcher of Biolaw and Law of Research and Innovation in several EU and Latin America Universities. Ethics advisor of research projects. Expert Evaluator for Horizon 2020, MSCA. Author of more than 140 among monographs and articles (in Italian, English and Spanish) concerning EU legal topics and at least 60 concerning legal and ethical issues of the R&I activities. (orcid.org/0000-0002-0615-2713)
email: roberto.cippitani@unipg.it

Valentina Colcelli Ph.D. is the Researcher of the National Research Council (CNR). Her main research interests focus on the interaction of domestic and European law, legal and ethical issues in research and innovation activities, technology transfer and protection of biodiversity in light of fundamental rights. She has published books concerning EU integration as well as more than 80 papers. She is a member of several projects funded by the EU and long-lasting international research cooperation groups. She is co-chair of W.G. ‘Regulatory, Ethics, and GDPR’ for the European, Middle East & African for Biopreservation and Biobanking’ and Co-coordinator of W. G. on Ethical, Legal issues related to Biobank and Research activities-Realise.
email: valentina.colcelli@cnr.it
Collaborating with us:
Mario I. Álvarez Ledesma (Escuela Libre de Derecho; INDEPAC – Instituto de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal (México))
Rainer Arnold (Universität Regensburg)
Christoph Brochhausen (Universität Regensburg)
Hedley Christ (University of Brighton)
Isabel Cornejo Plaza (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)
Yolanda Gómez Sánchez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid)
Fernando Jiménez Valderrama (Universidad de La Sabana)
Alessandra Langella (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Andrea Mensa (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Antonella Mirabile (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Carlos F. Molina del Pozo (Universidad Alcalá de Henares)
Manuel A. Munive Páez (Escuela Libre de Derecho)
Hellen Pacheco Cornejo (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)
Calogero Pizzolo (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Susana Sanz Caballero (CEU – Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Valencia)
Andrea Sassi (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Joaquín Sarrión Esteve (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid)
John Alberto Tito Añamuro
David Zammit (University of Malta)